Hello! We interrupt your hot late summer with this important bulletin: it’s almost fall! We know it’s hard to imagine the weather turning colder right now, but of course it will happen—and fall is the time to start preparations for the winter ahead.
What this means for your HVAC system is that the furnace is due for its annual tune-up and inspection. This routine maintenance visit is essential if you want to enjoy worry-free heating during the coming winter, better energy efficiency, and fewer (if any) calls for furnace repair in Charleston, SC.
You most likely have a natural gas furnace to warm your home. Any type of gas-burning appliance can potentially operate unsafely, but the chance of this occurring drops to almost nothing when the appliance has regular inspections from professionals.
Modern natural gas furnaces are manufactured with multiple safety features that stop dangers like flame roll-out (flames escaping from the combustion chamber into the rest of the furnace or outside it) and carbon monoxide leaks. However, these safety features require regular inspections and sometimes repairs/replacements to ensure they work properly.
When you have your furnace professionally inspected, technicians will examine all the safety features as well as other parts of the furnace to look for anything that might lead to hazardous operation. If they find anything wrong, they’ll have it fixed.
Furnaces do plenty of work during the winter to keep homes livable. That puts plenty of strain on furnaces that will wear them down rapidly. You won’t want to have to replace your gas furnace years too early, and regular maintenance tune-ups are key to ensuring you get the longest possible life from your furnace. You won’t have much difficulty keeping your furnace running effectively for 15 years when you stay current with maintenance.
That’s right: you can eliminate more than half of the repairs your gas furnace might otherwise need when you get fall tune-ups and inspections. The majority of furnace malfunctions happen because of maintenance neglect. You’ll avoid loss of heating and save money on repairs.
Because maintenance reduces the level of strain on a furnace, it also helps the furnace to run at better energy efficiency. If neglected, a gas furnace will lose a percentage of its original energy efficiency rating each year, causing the cost to run it to increase. With maintenance, you can expect your furnace to only lose 5% of its energy efficiency rating over most of its service life.
Did you know that the manufacturer’s warranty for your furnace can be voided if you can’t show proof it’s received regular professional maintenance? That’s important to know, because the warranty protects you from the high costs of malfunctions due to factory faults. (2% of HVAC units leave the factory with faults.) Maintenance makes sure you’ve got your warranty to back you up.
Reach out to Carolina Climate Control to schedule your fall furnace maintenance inspection and tune-up. The Moose Is Loose in Your Neighborhood!
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